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Hotels in Italy Hotels in Padua

Hotels in Padua and nearby: found 25 structure

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Via San Marco, 11a 35129 - Padua (PD) Italy (show on map) +39 049 7702211 $$
Staying experience
2150 reviewsVerified

Via Venezia, 30 35131 - Padua (PD) Italy (show on map) +39 049 7702222 $$
Staying experience
2905 reviewsVerified

Via Grassi 2 35129 - Padua (PD) Italy (show on map) +39 049 8067700 $$
Staying experience
1313 reviewsVerified

Via Dante Alighieri 30/a 35010 - Padova Gazzo (PD) Italy (show on map)
24 km as the crow flies Padua center
+39 049 9426111 $$
Staying experience
280 reviewsVerified

Viale Leonardo da Vinci, 28 36100 - Vicenza (VI) Italy (show on map)
25 km as the crow flies Padua center
+39 0444 239239 $$
Staying experience
563 reviewsVerified

via Fabio Filzi, 39 31033 - Castelfranco Veneto (TV) Italy (show on map)
29 km as the crow flies Padua center
+39 0423 721616 $$
Staying experience
156 reviewsVerified

Via Piave 214 30171 - Venezia Mestre (VE) Italy (show on map)
29 km as the crow flies Padua center
+39 041 931000 $$
Staying experience
876 reviewsVerified

Viale Stazione, 16 30171 - Venezia Mestre (VE) Italy (show on map)
29 km as the crow flies Padua center
+39 041 5383125 $$
Staying experience
653 reviewsVerified

Via Tavernelle, 71 36077 - Vicenza Altavilla Vicentina (VI) Italy (show on map)
34 km as the crow flies Padua center
+39 0444 572411 $$
Staying experience
1201 reviewsVerified

Santa Croce, 395 30135 - Venice (VE) Italy (show on map)
34 km as the crow flies Padua center
+39 041 711041 $$
Staying experience
258 reviewsVerified

Rio Terà Lista di Spagna, 166 30121 - Venice (VE) Italy (show on map)
35 km as the crow flies Padua center
+39 041 715122 $$
Staying experience
623 reviewsVerified

Green rating:

lowest rate
Exclusive for BW Rewards® members

Via Orlanda, 240 30173 - Venezia Aeroporto Tessera (VE) Italy (show on map)
36 km as the crow flies Padua center
+39 041 5416846 $$
Staying experience
512 reviewsVerified

Via Postumia Castellana, 2 31055 - Treviso Quinto di Treviso (TV) Italy (show on map)
37 km as the crow flies Padua center
+39 0422 3730 $$
Staying experience
814 reviewsVerified

Viale Porta Adige 1 45100 - Rovigo (RO) Italy (show on map)
37 km as the crow flies Padua center
+39 0425 30701 $$
Staying experience
1101 reviewsVerified

Via Callalta, 87 31057 - Treviso Silea (TV) (show on map)
43 km as the crow flies Padua center
+39 0422 361770 $$
Staying experience
602 reviewsVerified

Green rating:

Book now from 75.20*
Please note: The hotel' currency is .
Prices shown here, if in different currency are indicative and may vary according to the exchange rate. Upon confirmation on reservation the amount will be presented in each case in

località Ritonda, 82 37047 - Verona San Bonifacio (VR) Italy (show on map)
46 km as the crow flies Padua center
+39 045 7610233 $$
Staying experience
1683 reviewsVerified

Via XIII Martiri 229 30027 - San Donà di Piave (VE) Italy (show on map)
59 km as the crow flies Padua center
+39 0421 43148 $$
Staying experience
649 reviewsVerified

Via Nazionale, 58 37036 - Verona San Martino Buon Albergo (VR) Italy (show on map)
60 km as the crow flies Padua center
+39 045 8780222 $$
Staying experience
561 reviewsVerified

Via Monte Pastello, 28 37057 - Verona San Giovanni Lupatoto (VR) Italy (show on map)
66 km as the crow flies Padua center
+39 045 8754111 $$
Staying experience
1832 reviewsVerified

Via Eridano, 2 44122 - Ferrara (FE) Italy (show on map)
66 km as the crow flies Padua center
+39 0532 773013 $$
Staying experience
1128 reviewsVerified

Via del Pontiere 26 37122 - Verona (VR) Italy (show on map)
68 km as the crow flies Padua center
+39 045 8000154 $$
Staying experience
931 reviewsVerified

Vicolo dietro Pallone, 1 37121 - Verona (VR) Italy (show on map)
68 km as the crow flies Padua center
+39 045 8000206 $$
Staying experience
583 reviewsVerified

Via Ugo Zannoni 26-8 37136 - Verona (VR) Italy (show on map)
69 km as the crow flies Padua center
+39 0458204485 $$
Staying experience
391 reviewsVerified

Via Scuderlando, 122 37060 - Castel d'Azzano (VR) Italy (show on map)
70 km as the crow flies Padua center
+39 045 4500515 $$
Staying experience
76 reviewsVerified

Via Portogallo, 1/p 37069 - Verona Villafranca di Verona (VR) Italy (show on map)
79 km as the crow flies Padua center
+39 045 92020 $$
Staying experience
833 reviewsVerified

* hotel currency is not EUR, prices displayed are based on approx. currency exchange rates

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