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Hotels in Costa Rica Hotels in San jose

Found 2 hotels in San jose and nearby

  • LIST
  • MAP
Av Central 60601 - Quepos Costa Rica - (show on map)
56 km as the crow flies San jose center
+506 27770811 $$
Staying experience
444 reviewsVerified
Main services:
  • Parking
  • Restaurant
  • Swimming pool

Book now from 93.92*
Please note: The hotel' currency is USD.
Prices shown here, if in different currency are indicative and may vary according to the exchange rate. Upon confirmation on reservation the amount will be presented in each case in USD

Pastor Diaz Av. 61101 - Jaco Beach Costa Rica - (show on map)
69 km as the crow flies San jose center
+506 26431000 $$
Staying experience
3428 reviewsVerified
Main services:
  • Parking
  • Restaurant
  • Swimming pool

Book now from 123.15*
Please note: The hotel' currency is USD.
Prices shown here, if in different currency are indicative and may vary according to the exchange rate. Upon confirmation on reservation the amount will be presented in each case in USD

* hotel currency is not EUR, prices displayed are based on approx. currency exchange rates

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